HTML Markup Basic

HTML 5 offers a variety of new markup elements and attributes to create rich-multimedia websites. Some of the new elements replace the <div> element by <header> and <footer> elements. As you know, HTML, is written in the form of tags which is a pair of angle brackets (<and>). The text present between this pair of angle brackets defines an HTML element. Most of the HTML elements have two basic properties-attributes and content; therefore, they have an opening tag (<element-name>) and a closing tag (</element-name>). However, some HTML elements, such as <br> and <hr>, do not have any content; therefore, they do not need a closing tag HTML tags, elements, and attributes are collectively known as HTML markup.

The attributes of an HTML element are placed within the opening tag (after the element’s name) and its content is placed between the opening and closing tags. Most of the HTML attributes are name-value pairs, separated by “=”. However, some attributes, such as ismap attribute of the <img> element is written without specifying a value for it. Attribute values should be enclosed within either single or double quotes. The syntax of an HTML element is given as follows:

<element-name attriute-name=”attribute-value”>content </elementname>

Let’s now proceed to learn how an HTML document is structured. Click on next button: